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Injecting Some Fun Into Your Outfits

“Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself!”


When it comes to style, everyone has their own. Yet, people are often turned away from having the style they want to flaunt, or at least try out, because of societal standards. And that’s just not right! So, if you want to look and feel good at the same time, but want to work on your confidence as well, try injecting some subtle references to yourself in what you wear outside. Here’s some quick ideas for what you can do to keep your style fresh.



Wear the Clothes From Your Wardrobe

You don’t need to spend to be on trend! There’s some great fashion icons out there, and they have their own styles for a reason. So  follow in these footsteps and work with what you already have. It can be a great couple of hours mixing and matching the hidden gems you pay no mind to anymore.


Have a good clear out to see what fits and what doesn’t, and if you truly love what you have in there. Got a waistcoat behind the big coats that you forgot about? Wrap it around a nice blouse and some comfy trousers with a belt, and you’ve got your professional yet laid back look.


Pop on Some Pins, Patches or Badges

A good way to show off that you can have fun with your style, and don’t take fashion too seriously, is to have some fun regalia decorating your lapel.  Bring out your inner punk rocker and try sewing in a statement to your jacket shoulder, or to a much loved bag.  I have seen lots of band T shirts worn with a boyfriend blazer, so adding a pin or badge is also a great way to funk up your look.


If you don’t like those pin badges you can find at the back of the shirt stores, you can try visiting the website where you can design and order your own pins and labels.  There’s nothing like creating your own brand to display in style!


Wear What You Love Differently

Sometimes we find ourselves feeling like a protagonist in a cartoon with the same tops and bottoms being worn day in and day out. If you have a jacket you love, but you’re getting tired of just throwing it on – if this sounds like you, try switching up your outfit trend…

Roll your sleeves up for a chic and on the go look, and also to keep cool on those sunny fall afternoons. If you’re wearing a button up, and you’re showing off your forearms, it makes you look a lot more approachable. For a longer shirt that would usually be relegated to a nightshirt, try knotting it in the front for a fun and trendy appearance that can pair with any nice dark skirt or some pleated trousers. It also means you can show off your waist in an effortless move, whilst leaving something to the imagination if you want to.


There are plenty of ways to break away from the mold of what you’ve designated yourself to in terms of fashion. It also means that you are creating your own look and not worrying about what society can sometimes dictate should and shouldn’t be “in style”.  Learn to love YOUR style again!

from StyleQueenie.com http://ift.tt/2yQhBUb

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