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9 Cups Coffee & Roastery

For those studying at Univesitas Tarumanegara, this coffee shop should be a favorite, or at least easy to find. But for me, who wasn't Dora the Explorer, it was a little tricky. Simple signage that says "9 Cups Coffee & Roastery" was finally found among tall buildings and home-office area. 

There I was and I wasn't even sure it's open.

Fortunately, it was. When I pushed the door aside, I was greeted by Lidya and Iwan, husband and wife pair who runs the place. The cafe isn' that spacious with the roasting machine Quest M3 sharing the seating area. On the second floor is their "kitchen".

I ordered the usual Piccolo and Arum Manis manual brew. I took my time exploring the coffee shop and Iwan introduced me to the manual coffee beans cooler as well as a machine that can hold up to 250grams of beans. Tom, my partner, always enjoyed the process of brewing coffee, so he opted to seat in the kitchen.

The wonderful smell quickly filled the air.

My piccolo has balanced body and acid, like my preference when it comes to coffee. Arum Manis which is almost gone with the wind, managed to be taken away and tested. With sweet after taste and a little acid and body, it can be addictive. 

We were conversing wih Lidya, who was cooking my pancake (seerved with maple syrup). Surprise surprise it only costs me Rp 15K. No wonder this place is popular with college students. The pancake was gone within minutes too... with the rest of Arum Manis. They have pasta too, a tempting alternative which only cost Rp25k

I spotted a cold brew machine in the corner. Would love to come back and try their cold brew. Or to one of the cupping sessions they hold. It's like visiting an old friend's kitchen, complete with a warm welcome and a sincere send-off that made you promise you'll visit them again someday.

Where is this?

Jl. Taman S. Parman blok. A4, Grogol, Tomang 
(Beside Tarumanagara University Building 1)
Jakarta 11440,Indonesia

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